Authentication method

For now, Static direct connect proxies can provide authentication only by using a proxy username and password.

You can create, edit, and delete proxy users in the Static direct connect > Residential direct connect/Datacenter direct connect page.

With dedicated datacenter proxies, you have to use your credentials (username:password) for authentication. You can create your proxy user(s) for authentication in the dashboard.

After authentication, a proxy list will be generated in the Proxy Management tab of your dashboard, which you can copy or download. Then, you can start using your dedicated proxies to send requests, set up your network environment, and identify yourself in different bots and applications. You may also see the protocol you've selected during purchase.

The user:pass authentication method allows you to:

Use a unique combination of symbols for the username and password.


When you create an account in the dashboard, the system automatically generates a proxy user sp with a default dashboard login password.

However, if you change the dashboard password, the proxy user credentials will not change (and vice versa).

If you cannot log in to the dashboard, please click on Forgot your password?

If you cannot authenticate via proxy, then change your password in the Static direct connect > Residential direct connect/Datacenter direct connect page.